Tuesday 3 September 2013

Secure your password! Test it now!

<-- Generate a Password First Then Test It -->

Generate A Password
First character: Number
Other characters: Number
 * min 8
Additional characters: (Optional)
New password:

Don't forget to test your new password
is strong!

Test Your Password 

In today's fast moving world of technology, the passwords we select control everything from our internet banking to email.

It is therefore vital we select secure passwords! Check the strength of your password below 

Type your password into the box to test it's strength.
If you don't want to use your real password use
a variation for the same affect!
  Not rated  
The test available on this site is for testing purpose only and does not guarantee a secure password!
  • Minimum recommended password length is eight characters
  • Passwords shouldn't be based on names, locations, dates or phone numbers
  • Passwords should be made up of capitals, lowercase, numbers and symbols
Watch A Password Being Cracked
Watch this hacker scan a network for weak passwords and crack them. This is why having a strong password is critical to securing your data and information.

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